深圳市色多多免费下载包裝材料有限公(gōng)司(sī),成立(lì)於2005-9-21,是一家專業從事新(xīn)型防偽包裝印刷材料開(kāi)發與生產的科技型企業。公司擁有先進的全電腦生產設備,專業生產銷售各種防偽不(bú)幹膠商標材料及各種特殊標簽材料(liào)。產(chǎn)品廣泛應用於包裝、商標印(yìn)刷行業。 Shenzhen Sening Anti-Counterfeit
Packing Material Co., Ltd. is a technology-based enterprise professionally
engaged in the development and production of new type of anti-fake packing
printing materials.We specializing in producing and selling various kinds of self adhesive and
other special materials/labels. Our products are widely used in the packing and
printing industry. At present, we have provided security solutions for
high-tech enterprises at home and abroad such as IBM, Motorola, Nokia, TCL, Huawei, Lenove and so on